Friday, April 20, 2018

12 Tips for Weight Loss Success

12 Tips for Weight Loss Success
By: Becky4Health

1. Drink water regularly 
Try to drink water when you first wake up, between meals (if you drink too much with meals, it dilutes digestive juices), and an hour before bed time. Sometimes you think you are hungry, but it is really just thirst. Try to replace soda and sugary drinks with water. If it is just to bland, add a splash of lemon, lime, or orange juice to it.

2. Eat complex carbs 
Replace refined/simple carbs (pasta, white bread, bagels, pretzels, or chips) with complex carbs (whole Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes).
(Complex carbs promote stable blood sugar, digest slower than simple carbs, and help you feel fuller longer). Simple carbs can increase constipation, complex carbs encourage digestive flow. 

3. Eat healthy fats
These will help your hair, skin, nails, brain, vitamin absorption, and bodily functions. Some healthy fats are: Nuts, seeds, wild caught fish, avocados, unrefined coconut oil, and extra virgin Olive oil.

4. Consume lean protein
The richest sources of protein include: Red Meat, dairy, eggs, and fish. Some plant sources are: beans, nuts, and seeds. Tofu, peanut butter, and vegetables also contain protein. My favorite protein powders are Vega One and Ideal Raw.

5. Don't eat after 7 PM 
Having a cut off time to stop eating at night helps your body have enough time to digest your food while you are awake. While you sleep your body repairs itself better if it doesn't have to be digesting food at the same time, you will also sleep deeper. At first it's hard to get out of the habit of eating late. At first, try having a handful of almonds or herbal tea. 

6. Eat a Hearty Brunch
I prefer to drink fluids first thing in the morning, to give my body a
few more extra hours to fat burn and repair itself before I dive into my breakfast.
But everyone is different. Listen to what your body wants, and work into your
routine slowly. For every meal it is important to include protein, complex carb,
and fat. Some ideas would be: 
-Eggs, with coconut oil cooked spinach &
mushrooms (served with hot sauce)  
-Chopped sweet potatoes, cooked kale,
and ham 
-Ezekiel Bread Toast, Topped with Almond Butter & Sliced

7. Eat Until you are 80% Full
This will take some time to get used to. I recommend the "one plate rule" (eat only one plate of food each meal. Don't go back for seconds) to my clients. Over time your stomach will shrink and you won't feel like you need to stuff yourself every time you eat. Your stomach is a muscle, it can expand and contract.  
Make sure you eat enough nutrient dense foods at each meal that you feel satisfied. When you eat junk food, it spikes your blood sugars and you want more to feel satisfied. There are a lot of people eating thousands of calories each day, but still feeling hungry. Their bodies are craving the nutrients, and aren't getting them. Once you eat the healthy nutrients your body needs to function properly, your cravings will reduce and you will feel fulfilled with less food. 

8. Eat More Frequently
It’s important to continue to fuel your body steadily throughout the day (every 3-4 hours), so you can maintain normal blood sugar levels and decrease the chances of binging when you get hungry. Eating on a steady basis helps your body know there is food available and its okay to burn energy rather than conserve calories and store them as fat. Don't forget to prep your food, so when you get hungry you can grab what is ready for you in the fridge or pantry. Don't buy junk food at the store! If you buy it, you will eat it. 

9. Exercise your Body & Mind 
When you exercise you can lose weight, lower resting heart rate, and blood pressure. It also boosts your mood. Strive to exercise at least 30 minutes a day to keep your body strong and lean. Just get moving! A body who in in motion stays in motion, a body who isn’t in motion, doesn’t have the drive as much to be in motion.
Exercise your mind daily by meditating, learning a new language, reading a good book, playing Sudoku, changing up your schedule, or doing something new. Challenging the brain makes you sharper all around.

10. Sleep
Getting a good night sleep helps with metabolism, appetite, and energy balance. Sleep also helps the body regulate satiety hormones (the ones that help you feel full after eating). Strive for 7-8 hours of sleep each night. If you are having a hard time sleeping, try rubbing magnesium on your feet before bed or taking a magnesium supplement at night to help you relax. 

11. Cook from Home
Eating out on a regular basis can really do a number on you body. Restaurants add extra oils, salt, and sugar to keep us coming back for more. Their food is more processes so it can stay on the shelf longer. Portion sizes can be controlled a lot better if we cook from home. Restaurants tend to have larger portions than we need. Learn how to roast or bake your food, rather than frying. Eat more raw foods to cut calories and boost flavor. Add more spices, herbs, and less salt and sugar.

12. Keep track of what you eat and report to someone 
What are you putting in your body on a daily basis? Try keeping track of what you eat for a week, you may be surprised. Check labels, and limit ingredients like: sugar, trans fats, high fructose corn syrup,
and chemicals that you can’t pronounce. Focus on whole foods. 
Show your food journal to a friend, health coach, or Facebook group. Being accountable for our actions makes us much more likely to stick to our healthy eating goals. 

If you would like me to be your health coach and keep you accountable, fill out my free questionnaire here for a free consultation. 

7 Keys to a Well-Balanced Life

Image from:

7 Keys to a Well-Balanced Life

1. Sleep
Sharpens thinking, strengthens athletic performance, weight loss comes easier, lowers stress, reduces depression, elevates mood, and encourages a healthier immune system. 

2. Water
Our bodies are 70% water. We need to constantly replenish. 
Nutrients transported more efficiently, body temperature regulates better, digestion flows, constipation reduces, weight loss is stimulated, muscles and joint pain are reduced, kidneys run smoother, toxins flushed, fatigue reduced, mood elevates, headaches diminish, glowing skin, fresher breath, and improves immune function. 

3. Exercise
Maintains a steady weight, improves mood, boosts energy, improves sleep, helps your heart work more efficiently, strengthens muscles and bones, reduces stress, boosts self esteem, gets you out in nature, gets you out in society, improves relationships, sharpens your mind, alleviates anxiety, and inspires others. 

4. Vitamin D
Ways to get Vitamin D:
-Exposure to sunlight (20 minutes a day)
-Supplement (400-800 IU a day)
-Light Therapy
-Foods (Salmon, fish oil, tuna, mackerel, eggs, beef liver, some dairy, almond milk, tofu, orange juice, oatmeal, and mushrooms)
Supports a strong immune system, helps regulate blood pressure, boosts serotonin (happiness hormone), reduces heart disease, beats winter blues, warms muscles and reduces aches and pains, regulates hormones, builds strong bones and teeth, and reduces cancer rates*. 

5.  Fresh Air/ Nature
Relieves stress, helps you live longer, improves mood, cleans the lungs, sharpens thinking, boosts immune function, and gives energy to the body. 

6.  Nutrition
Helps your body function at its optimum, strengthens the heart, helps build strong bones and teeth, controls your weight, improves brain health, elevates mood, supports energy, sharpens thinking, promotes a healthy immune system, and creates vibrant skin. 

7. God
Lowers blood pressure, strengthens immune system, helps you live longer, better mental and emotional health, brings peace, elevates levels of happiness and life satisfaction. 

Proverbs 3: 5, 8 says, "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to they bones."

Article by: Becky Jones
Instagram: Becky4Health

Friday, February 23, 2018

Simple tips to help Children, Teenagers, and Adults with Anxiety & Depression

Photo credit goes to:  

Steps for Relief
*Plan, prepare, and practice for things, especially for circumstances that trigger anxious feelings. To organize your day a little more creatively get my Magnetic Task Chart: Plan your day on purpose

*Exercise regularly, it helps you focus on your breath, creates movement, and gets your systems flowing in the body.

*Eat whole foods. Vitamins and minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the body and mind.

*Get Creative! This helps with focusing on the here and now. It keeps you grounded.

*Service. Thinking of others more will get you out of your own issues. How can you help those in need of your special talents?

*Face your fears head on. Write your worries down in a journal and rip up the paper. Get it out!

*Massage. Rub magnesium lotion on feet before bed. Most people are low in Magnesium. This mineral helps promote relaxation.

*Focus on hope for better times. “Great things are coming. You were meant to fly!” Millions of kids, young adults, and adults struggle with Anxiety and Depression. You are not alone.

*Stay Calm through deep breathing. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Do this 10 times.

*Replace negative thoughts with positive calming ones. Go to your happy place. A beach, forest, etc.

*Build gut health. All disease begins or ends in the gut. Take Probiotics, Kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut. Eat Fiber, limit sugar. Feed the good guys! The gut and the brain are connected.

*How do you destress? Do that daily!

*Pray and Meditate.

*Get outside and get some sunshine and fresh air.

*Thoughts are very powerful. What you focus on comes true.

*Carry a rock and squeeze it when you feel anxious. It will draw your attention to the rock and not the experience.
*Make a stress ball (a balloon filled with flour), squeeze it to relieve tension.

*When you see the trigger, help your child through one step at a time…patiently.

*Do these small steps to healing, regular and repeatedly. Over time you will see relief and success. It’s all about learning coping skills.

If you are not the one suffering with Anxiety and Depression, and you just don’t understand, try to refrain from judgment. It will just make it worse. We have no idea what people are going through. Our job is to love them and try to help them.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Natural Remedies for Anxiety & Depression

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Natural Anxiety/Depression Treatments
By: Becky Jones

1. Get into a Routine (Personal & Family) This creates feelings of stability. 
2. Set Short Term & Long Term Goals (Example: Make your Bed every day, do the dishes (a clean home is a happy home), read to the kids, go on a walk, etc.) Plan a Vacation. 
3. Exercise- Boosts Endorphins (The “Feel Good” Chemicals) Increases energy, balance, & stamina. Our bodies need to stay active. Exercise daily. 
4. Eat Healthy- This is a biggy. I believe all sickness & healing starts in the gut. Try going off processed foods (especially artificial ingredients & chemicals), caffeine, soda, gluten, sugars, etc. Eat Omega 3's (They are great for the brain & cardiovascular system), Folic Acid, Vitamins (Especially B Vitamins), & Minerals. The 3 main supplements I recommend are: A multivitamin, Omega 3 fish oil, and a probiotic. Eat live foods (fresh vegetables & fruits, sprouts, soaked nuts & seeds, healthy fats (like coconut oil, avocado, nut butters, etc.) Drink Bone broth on an empty stomach for healing the gut. Eat fermented foods to restore gut flora (sauerkraut, kefir, kimchi, etc.) Eating enough fiber, healthy foods, exercise, & water will keep our digestion running smoothly. When we struggle with our digestion it can cause feelings of anxiety or depression. Low Blood Sugar can cause us to have an adrenaline rush, remember to eat on a regular basis to keep your blood sugar levels stable. 
Make sure to get enough Magnesium in your diet.
5. Get Sleep (Try not to nap, you will sleep better at night) I like to rub my homemade Magnesium lotion on my feet before bed, it helps me relax.  I also take Magnesium at night to help me sleep better. Massage & Essential oils help a lot too. 
6. Drink Water. I like to drink about 4 C. in the morning with a splash of lemon (to alkalize the body), about 2 C. of water between each meal, and herbal tea an hour before bed. 
7. Take on Responsibilities- Volunteer, Stay involved, Focus on Others (But don't forget to Self Nourish!!) Chronic Stress from too many responsibilities can have a negative affect on our bodies. Keeping us in a state of constant alertness, even when we aren't in danger. Learn to delegate & balance duties in your life. You'll be glad you did! 
8. Challenge Negative Thoughts- Most of the time those negative thoughts are not true. Replace with Positive (Start a Gratitude Journal. Positive brings more positive. If we focus on Negative it will bring more negative. 
9. Do something new. Are you in a rut? Go to a Museum, read a book on a park bench, volunteer, take a language class. This will encourage a chemical change in the brain and will produce more Dopamine, which is associated with pleasure, enjoyment, & learning. 
10. Try to have Fun. Make time for things you enjoy. Go to the movies, go out with friends for dinner, etc. 
11. Deep Breathing, Stretching, & Yoga. Imagine a beautiful place when you close your eyes. Go there in your mind for at least a few minutes. ;) I love imagining the ocean and the sunset. When we are stressed we tend to breathe shallowly and when we aren't getting enough oxygen, we panic. Take time to breathe! 
12. Get Sunshine. Vitamin D is so important. I feel so much better when I get outside time daily. Nature is so important for the soul. 
13. Reach out for Support. Talk Therapy helps so much!! 
14. Spiritual Connection- Prayer, Fasting (When you fast your body has time to balance your body & hormones and heal. If you can't go without water, do a water fast for 12-24 hours). When you pray say, "Thank you for my healing". Read Scriptures, go to a spiritual place like the temple, church, or nature. 
15. Go to an emotional healer. This can really work out negative energy from past experiences, that may be stuck in the body. 
16. What are your Dreams? Write down what you want your life to be like. What would be ideal for you? Make a vision board and aim for those things. Imagine it, create it. 

17. Relationships. Those around us can have an effect on us, negatively or positively. Let us be a force for good & positive. If those around us are dragging us down, maybe we need to step back and see what we can do about it. 

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For my Daily Organization Planner go to: My Daily Tasks